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Boys To Men Youth Conference

A 10K Fearless Philly Presentation:
The Delaware Valley is being blessed again with another Youth Workshop by our Bro, “The Math Doctor” Shahid Muhammad
Boys to Men Conference
Saturday, August 24th in Philadelphia
Church of the Advocate
1801 Diamond St, 19121
2pm to 6pm
ALL MEN ARE INVITED Workshops will focus on Boys 10-18 years of age
Lunch Will Be Served to All Participants
10K Fearless Philly – Headquarters
2508 N. Broad St
Philadelphia 19132
Mobile (215) 421-9086
City of Phila Hiring Crossing Guards
City of Philadelphia is Hiring Crossing Guards
City of Philadelphia is Hiring Crossing Guards. Please click on the below link. This is a great part-time job with great benefits.
Announced in Anticipation of Approval by the Administrative Board This is part-time seasonal school crossing guard duty. An employee in this class is responsible for directing traffic at an assigned intersection in order to afford maximum protection to children going to and returning from school. Work is performed under the immediate supervision of a police officer or patrol supervisor, and involves some disagreeable aspects, light physical effort, and exposure to inclement weather.
Spring Clean Up
Spring has sprung and the cleaning season has begun. The 12th Annual Philly Spring Cleanup will be held on Saturday, April 6th. With your help, we’ve managed to make each of the last eleven years bigger and better than the last. If you mean it, clean it! APRIL CLEAN UP WITH NCP FROM BROAD TO 20TH DIAMOND, SUSQ & DAUPHIN
African American Statue
First city statue depicting an African-American girl will stand in South Philadelphia park
African-American girls soon will see themselves for the first time represented in a public statue in Philadelphia.
The only freestanding bronze statue depicting a Black girl in the city will come to Smith Playground in South Philadelphia this spring.
“It is representative of acknowledging the importance of women and girls, and the role that they have to play in our civic life and community life,” Public Art Director Margot Berg said.
The life-sized bronze statue will depict an African-American female athlete on the cusp of her teenage years playing basketball.
February 18, 2019
North Central Philadelphia CDC-RCO, Career Links, Faith Tabernacle Church, presents