October 11, 2019
Dear Fellow Youth Worker,
Thank you for joining the Stretch and Fly Youth Sovereignty Awards Coalition. We are a coalition of youth who will gather together once a year to say thank you to those hardworking and dedicated organizations and individuals that enhance, strengthen, and provide opportunities for today’s youth. We look forward to joining forces with you in celebration as we fulfill our mission statement. This event will take place on Saturday, November 23, 2019, at Temple University’s Mitten Hall from 1:00 – 5:00 p.m. and will include the awards ceremony and a luncheon. Please find with this letter a flyer, and your organization’s membership card. Please go to our website and complete the Commitment Form and then we will send you the membership cards for each individual in your group. http://ncpcdc.org/stretch-fly-2019-commitment-form/)
Please feel free to contact me at 215-980-1151
Tinamarie Russell, President, North Central Phila CDC-RCO